Apparently they Think nobody Cycles Between 10am and 1200 and no one Cycles before 7 am or after 19.00 or on Saturday or Sunday.
Do they not know People Cycle All Day and All Night 365 Days a Year. People have been Knocked down at 3 am While coming Home or going to Work. This Government of Ours Spends to much Time Pandering to the Car Lobby. Click on these Pictures for an Enlarged View.
That makes no sense!
Me or the Sign,The Cycle Lanes only Apply at the Rush Hours unfortunately Stupid isnt it.
I've never seen anything like that here. Interesting, but stupid of course. It's similar to those who assume that cyle path only need to be open in the summer.
Quite small bike lane too.
A lot of our Cycle Lanes are very small and of course only a few that are Segregated or else off Road.We are very much like the UK ,the Governments seem to think the same way as each other.
Then of course especially in the Centre City Area you can be Doored by People getting out of their Cars as you Cycle by. So it is as well to keep a Door Width away from the Parked Cars.
The Police do not Enforce no Parking on the Cycle Lanes.
Cycling Infrastructure is only very Token,they are still Pandering to the Car Lobby.Thanks for your Comments Anna.
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