I went on the Critical Mass as usual in Dublin Assembling at the Front Gates The Memorial Arch Dedicated to the Dublin Fusiliers who took part in the Boer War.This is around the Fourth or Fifth New Dublin Critical Mass ,The last ones were around 10 Years ago and we are only starting up again and things are a little disorganised. Around 30 Cyclists took part as usual ,it is a pity not more turns up for it as it is great fun and shows Cycling has arrived in Dublin. We started off a bit later than usual at 6.15pm instead of 6.00pm as we were waiting for the Music Boom Box to arrive. It is the first time to have a bit of Music and it was just Great listening to it as we Cycled along.
By the time we Reached the Bank of Ireland in Westmoreland Street the Rain came down in Buckets,I was alright as I had put my Overtrousers on at Stephens Green because it was started to Drip a bit. But many of the others were not prepared and while they were waiting for the rest to catch up they Sheltered under the Overhang of the Large Portico of the Bank. In spite of this we enjoyed ourselves and eventually Ended up in 10 Belvedere Court Shomra Spraoi and Had Tea and Watched part of the Pedal Project Bicycle Film by DCTV about the Three Cities Dublin, Amsterdam, and London ,about Cycling Advocacy. First Picture shows myself and my Trek Bike, The other Pictures are of the Intrepid Warriors who took Part, The Logo on the Boom Box Bike Crossbar in Gaelic means Up Bikes out with Cars or make Bike not Car.
I think we had one critical mass in the city I live in. Don't hear much about it anymore though.
It was mostly University students however.
I suppose the Best one nearest to us is in London in the UK it usually attracts around 7,000. Other ones in Europe can have as much as 20,000 like in Budapest or Barcelona.
Although we have had a large Revival in Cycling in Ireland ,the Critical Mass has not attracted the Numbers yet. In Belfast it is the same as us around 30.
Last year in Vancouver, CM attracted thousands of people.
Usually Vancouver's CM attracts the largest crowds in Canada. Mainly because it is a more progressive city when it comes to cycling, plus they have a large number of activists compared to other cities here.
Vancouver also has another event called Critical Manners. This attracts around 100 people.
There are various Bike Events throughout the Year Official and non Official. But the National Bike Week in June will be very interesting with all sorts of Events going on throughout the Country. Like Parades ,Stunt Riding,Triathalons,Competitions,Fun Events for Children.
Leading up to this a lot of Schools are trying to get the Children to come to School on Bikes and are having all sorts of Training Events in early May.
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