I was in the City of Dublin on Friday getting Vegetable Plants for my Garden,Tomato and Pepper Plants and some Pea Plants.I was coming down Abby Street from the Junction with O'Connell Street and seen this Girl on her Bike and She was done up like a Trout in Tinfoil ready to be Cooked all covered up with a Scarf wrapped around her Mouth and a Helmet together with what looked like a Flag on the back of the Bike,this is Overkill. She stopped behind a Tram at the Lights instead of going alongside to the left. I would not stop behind a Tram myself it would just bore me. A lot of Potholes in the Roads now because of the Harsh Winter and nobody filling them in.Lethal if your Bike has narrow Wheels it can get caught in them.
I was in Woodies DIY and Hardware on the Malahide Road Coolock on Saturday and Sunday getting a Vegetable Grow Bag for the Tomatoes and some Rockery Plants and Top Soil on Sunday . In all the Years of coming to Woodies they never Bothered to put in any Cycling Parking Stands. It is Geared to Cars with a huge Carpark and you have to go down the other End of the Complex to where Halfords Bicycle Store and Lidl the Supermmarket is to find a few Parking Stands. I mentioned this to the Sales Girl at the Check out and she said she would mention it to someone about Cycling Parking. I also got a Steel Magnetic Saucer for Holding Screws and Nuts,very Handy when changing your Wheel when fixing a Puncture or doing Repairs. I always drop Nuts and bits of Metallic Parts behind the Couch and it is annoying when hard to find them.
I had a small Pool and the Black Plastic Liner sprung a Leak so I eventually just filled it in and got Top Soil at the Weekend to top it off and Planted it with Sprouts Leeks and Cabbage the Previous Week and already the Slugs have been at a couple of the Cabbages. This is the Bike Heading Home with the Top Soil in the second last Picture.
So the last Picture is of the former Pool and the New Rockery with some Alpine Plants at the front of the Rear Garden Patio.
The third picture from the bottom looks like your typical Canadian mall or plaza. Lots or cars parked and a fa(s)t food place nearby.
One of our largest hardware stores here has a bike rack. They put it in a car space near the store. It's separated by propane tanks and shopping carts, though no threat of being damaged.
Most stores that don't have bike parking I have to end up parking where the shopping carts get returned, pretty much how you parked.
How cold was it? We've been getting some fairly cool weather here though nothing that would require a scarf over the entire face.
I dont know whether you can see it or not but at the other end of the Complexis Lidl Supermarket the German Company, Mc Donalds Fast Food with a Drive Through and then there is Halfords the English Chain Store Bike Shop and they have a few Bike Parking Stands naturally. This is in Surburbia,you get a lot of these Complexes outside the City just like Canada or the US.
I had a small Camera some time ago that got Wrecked when it fell off my Bike when I was in a small Town in the Countryside and I have another biggish one that is awhward but it needs Batteries so all these Photos are by Mobile Phone . So when ever I get some Batteries or a New Camera the Pictures will be better Quality.
Our Weather is changeable with Rain every few Days then Sun but it is mild out although gone a bit Colder than two weeks ago ,it is around 12 - 14 Celsius 65Farenheit. I think she was afraid of the Pollution being over Protective,you get a few People with Cones to their Mouths mostly Foreigners. I even seen a few Locals with Tee Shirts and short Trousers inspite of it being a bit Chilly.
Those pictures are really good considering they came from a mobile. I never really would have known.
Thanks Ryan,if you Clic on them they do not Enlarge like the Photos in my Earlier Entries.
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