20 September 2009

New Dublin Vélib Bikes Yesterday.Saturday 19th Sept 09

Dublin's New Bike Vélib http//dublinbike.ie is Grand but there is very little Bike Infrastructure to back it up with,small narrow Cycle Lanes and a Strong Danger of being Doored. Also they took away some ordinary Bike Parking in Order to put in these Vélib Bikes Stations. Notably on Princes Street and somebody told me also on Capel Street at the Bridge. There is very little Bike Parking around the City as it is without them taking it away to Accomodate these Vélib Bikes.
Pics are my Bike on the Central Aisle in O 'Connell St,Old Coach and Horses for a Promotion in O 'Connell St,Bike Vélib on Molsworth St,Bike Vélib on Princes St beside GPO,Two Pics of Members of English Stag Party in Temple Bar Tourist District,Two People on Vélib Bikes in Temple Bar, Two Pics of Girl on Vélib Bike Looking at the Art Display on Railings of St Stephens Green.

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