I got a New Dawes Audax Style Bike last Thursday for Long Distance and Touring. It is a great Bike ,it is Steel and very Responsive and is very Nimble and fast. It was a Model that they had for a while and I got it cheaper than it normally was. The only thing I do not like about it is it is in Silver and a bit Garish looking,I would have preferred if it was Green or even Red but apart from that I like it very much.
The other thing about it is the Bars are to thick for the Light attachment Band to fit. I have 2 Lights but the Band does not fit around the Handlebars. This is the Light Brackets on the Trek Bars and they should fit it like this,also the Cateye Light. I was looking at the Blog People Powered from Andy in Germany and he did a Feature on making Gadgets out of Old Inner Tubes.One of the Respondents made a Band out of an Old Inner Tube and put 2 Holes in it to fit a Narrow Light and Wedge it around the Bar so this is something I could try. I thanked them for the Idea and said it is a good Gadget to try.
Woman in Saint Annes Park with Her Bike and a King Charles Spanial and a Basket on the Bike. One of those Bendy Buses they are trying out in Dublin beside Trinity College, CIE Dublin Bus has two,I hate them as they are Double the Length of a normal Bus and they can Trap you if you are not careful on your Bike.
One of our Rotten narrow little Cycle Lanes on O 'Connell Street where a Bus can catch you out stopping at a Bus Stop. They have very wide Paths along here they could easily make a dedicated Cycle Lane Here. The D.C .Council decided to Narrow the Road around Ten Years ago to make it Safer for Pedestrians but forgot about the Cyclists.
The new bikes looks great. I consider buying some kind of a road bike myself, for long distance rides on the weekend. Paula is just a bit too heavy for that...
I got it for those long Rides in the Countryside and for Touring. I have gone over 30 KM on the Dutch Bike and when you take in the Return Journey it makes it 60Km but it is Tiring and you have to use Tactics like Speeding down one Hill in order to take you up another Hill.
This new Bike is Halfway between a Road Bike and a Cyclocross. It has the Speed of a Road Bike but it is more Solidly made,very Nimble and fast. It was not this Years Model so I got it Cheaper than the Norm although it is New.
A lot of New Bikes have a Sloping Top Tube or Crossbar but this is the Conventional Horizontal type it is also Steel and not Aluminum,but it is not Heavy.
I have not tried it out on Steep Hills yet like Mountain Roads,although I usually end up walking up those anyway. Thanks Anna.
I like the new bike! Very nice.
We have issues with buses pulling into the bike lane here as well, however I don't so much blame the buses as I do the planning and design of the city.
If a bus were to drop people off outside of the bike lane, then there would be issues with bikes passing while the bus is letting people on or off, then there is the potential of someone getting hit.
Unfortunately the majority of our Cycle Lanes are on the Road and with Hashed lines which mean they are only advisory and there is no provision of getting around those Buses on the inside like a Lane that cuts in behind a Bus stop although you will come across a few in Suburban Areas.
Sometimes when a Bus stops to far away from the Path you can get Cyclists coming up the inside of the Bus. By right Buses should be kept away from Cyclists but this is the situation in Ireland and the UK.
We have two of those Bendy Buses and I think we will be stuck with them because they have bought them,also we have some extra long Double Decker Buses with two extra Wheels on the back.The Streets are to narrow for the Long Wheel Base while Cornering on these Buses.
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