28 February 2010

Dublin Cycling,never enough Parking for Bikes anymore.

Everywhere you go now there is just not enough Parking Stands for Bikes anymore.Pics South William Street,Old Dublin Letter Box of La Ancienne Regime Bearing the Insignia of Edward the Seventh,Powerscourt Townhouse Shopping Galleria The Former Lord Powrscourts House in the City,Bikes on Coppingers Row, I was admiring this Old Raleigh Step Through from the 1950ties which was in very good condition when its Owner turned up ,Dublin Bikes Public Bike Hire dublin .ie on Chatam Street, Bikes on St Stephens Green facing Grafton Street.

Dublin Critical Mass,The Gathering at Saint Stephens Green.

The Critical Mass went well,it was nice and Crisp out around 4 Celsius. About 30 Cyclists turned up for it. I took a few more Pictures than this but they did not turn out unfortunately. A nice Chap from Northern Ireland Cycling Initiative turned up for Critical Mass and this is some of their Literature at the Bottom of Blog. After stopping at the Ghost Bike at the End of C Mass on Wellington Quay we all Ended up at the Exchange Building in Temple bar and had a Cup of Tea and a Talk about Cycling Advocacy.

25 February 2010

Dublin Critical Mass Friday 26/2/2010 St Stephens Green

Dublin's Critical Mass to be held tomorrow Friday 26th .February.2010 at the usual time gathering at 5.30 pm for the start at 6.00pm sharp at the Memorial Arch on Saint Stephen's Green. The last two were non events but this one promises to be very interesting,with People Advertising it for the last few Day's. This is the Original Poster I could not Change the Date on it but you get the idea. I hope a lot of People turn up for it and it will be great Fun. Show that Cycling has arrived in Dublin.

20 February 2010

Springtime in Dublin,Trip to the City to get the Manure.

I went into the City to get a few Plants and some Manure for the Garden as it is that time of the Year when things start to grow again. It is great to see all the Cyclists on the Road now instead of the way it was ten Years ago with few if any one on a Bike. When you arrive at the Traffic Lights now you are surrounded by a Gaggle of Cyclists and you can strike up a conversation about all the problems with bad Drivers and Potholes and the bad Infrastructure in Dublin. There is a Community of Cyclists in Dublin now it is great.

Pic 1 Potatoe's waiting to Chit before Planting,
Pic 2 Dinner when I got Home from the City White Cabbage and Potato and A Piece of Grilled Cod with Fennel Seeds and two Glasses of Chardonnay La Porte D'or Lovely,Biking makes you very Hungry,
Pic 3 on the way Home at the Five Lamps on the Nth Strand made Famous by Phil Lynnotts Song Thin Lizzie The Five Lamps Boys,
Pic 4 nearly being Hit by a Car Encroaching on the Micky Mouse Cycle Lane,actually it was not as bad as it looked I had plenty of time to stop,
Pic 5 Bicycling Family outside the Bank at Marino Mart in Fairview,presumably waiting for Mum to come out. The Bike at the Kerb is an Old Messenger Bike used for Advertising,
Pic 6 on the way Home Uphill on the Malahide Road.
Pic 7 Sign Combined Bus Lane and Cycle Lane only applicable at Rush Hour,
Pic 8 4.5 Kilo Box of Pelleted Poultry Manure,nice and clean not Pongy.

05 February 2010

New 30KPH Limit in City and Bicycle Parking in Drury Street Carpark.

The City Council and Dublin Cycling Campaign has acquired Free Parking for Bicycles in Drury Street Carpark since September 09 with the added benefit of CCTV Cameras. After I got my Organic Seed Potatoes in Mr Midletons Garden Shop on Mary Street I went up to Drury Street to see what it was like. There is not much uptake on the Bike Parking so far,there was 7 Bikes and mine made 8. I was there around last Week as well and the same amount of Bikes was Parked 7. So it seems only People who are going to be there all Day are only Parking there Bikes and all others preferring to Park nearest the Shops on Sth William Street or St Stephens Green. The Dublin City Council put in a 30KPH Limit in Dublins City Core on Sunday last. It is only in a small Central area of the City and the AA Motoring Organisation is losing its Rag over it saying it will hold up Motorists. Well Sod them they are always complaining,it is time to give the City back to the People like the Pedestrians and Cyclists make it safer. We could do with more Traffic free areas as well.Pic 1 On the way into the City on the Malahide Road.Pic 2Organic Seed Potatoes and Nuts for the Birdies.Pic 3Luciano Pavarotti's Hands Immortalised in Bronze set in the Pavement outside the Gaiety Theatre on Sth King Street with the other Great and the good he came he saw and he Conquered when he appeared on the Gaiety to Rapturous acclaim.Pic 4Parked Bikes on Mercer Street not far from Drury Street.Pic 5 Gaiety Theatre Sth King Street. Pic 6Unicycle performer with blazing Torches on Grafton Street.Pic 7 Sign advertising the Bike Parking outside Drury Street Carpark.Pic 8 Old Raleigh from the 1960ties.Pic 9 Two Pictures of Gerty Parked in Drury Stret Carpark. The only Negative thing I can say about the Carpark is there is always a horrible Stench of Petrol while I am in there,very Unhealthy Job for the Attendants. Great Idea the Bike Parking in Carparks,I hope they put more of them in the City. They took away Parking for 22 Cars and put in 162 Stands for Bikes,that is 162 less Cars in Dublin.